I’ve Reviewed 100’s of Programs and Systems Over the Years, and There’s Only ONE Program I Recommend to Legitimately Make Money Online
Hi, Rex here from

If you want to make real money online, but nothing you’ve tried works, then you are going to want to read this page in full. Because I’m going to show you exactly how I went from “struggling newbie” to earning over $10K per month in passive online income. Without selling my own products, gambling in the stock market, or joining some bizopp. And I’ll show you how I did it on a shoe-string budget, with zero prior experience.
Why am I sharing this with you?
Because even though I’m using this 4-step formula right now (in 2022) to make over $10K per month online, I’m barely scratching the surface. There’s simply too much opportunity for me to scoop it all up for myself, even if I wanted to.
And I know what it’s like to feel completely lost online, struggling to figure out what’s “real” and what’s not. Buying program after program, hoping that “this one” will be different.
As a total newbie, I had no idea what to sell or how to start, and got very frustrated. It was not an easy road to get where I am today. It was a lot of hard work! I’m not gonna lie. But it was very well worth it.
So a better question is, why wouldn’t I share this with you?
Especially since this formula was given to me when I needed it most. When I was broke, down and out, looking for something (anything) real, that actually worked.
So I WANT to pay it forward by sharing this. All I ask is that you use what I’m about to share with you ethically.
Instead of using it to suck as much cash out of people as humanly possible. Now I know you might be skeptical…And that’s okay.
This is why I’m going to take the time to share some “cold hard truths” with you. Stuff that most people offering to “help you” will never reveal.
Because, even though it’s true, it’s not a popular message and will probably see some of you clicking on the back button. But I don’t care… because I’m not selling you anything on this page. So I am going to give it to you straight.
Are you ready?
The truth is – most people who attempt to make money online fail. So the odds are seriously stacked against you.
What a negative thing to say!? I know. But it’s the cold hard truth. And I want to be completely upfront with you. I also want to explain the reason WHY this is the case. So that you are better equipped to succeed in your quest to earn money online.
3 Things that Hold People Back From Succeeding
1.) They Keep chasing the Get Rich Quick Schemes: They don’t exist, Trust me, I’ve looked and wasted money chasing them. People do make money, lots of it, online working from home, but it doesn’t happen overnight. Understand this, and you will be much more successful in your online home business endeavors.
2.) There are so damned many SCAMS out there: It’s nearly impossible to weed through all of them and find the legitimate opportunities. I know the pain of being Scammed, so believe me, I understand fully. There are so many wolves out there just waiting to fleece another online newbie out of their hard-earned cash.
3.) They don’t know where to get the proper training and support and tools to build a real profitable long term online business.
Basically, the reason most people fail online is because of internet “gurus.” You see, many of the so called gurus have ONE sole objective. Selling you as much stuff as humanly possible! Rinse. Repeat. That is how they make their money. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with selling stuff online. Not at all.

But it’s HOW they sell you that stuff, and it’s what they are selling you. What they’re really doing, is taking advantage of your inner desire to make money online quickly and easily.
After all, who doesn’t want that? I mean, let’s be completely honest here… I know if I found the “magic button” to making money online – I’d push it! I would be crazy not to.
And this is precisely why everywhere you look, there’s another “push button system”. You know… a system that “spits out cash on demand”.
A “secret loophole” or a “weird trick” you’ve never heard about. … or some other bullshit they come up with to make their money making system sound amazing, so you whip out your credit card.
Chances are you’ve seen stuff like this yourself at some point. Believe me when I say- they’re ALL the same! They promise you the world, and deliver something else entirely. The system appears to be “just what you’ve been looking for”, but the moment you get inside the members area, you realize it’s not what you were expecting.
Instead, here’s what normally happens…
You are hit with upsell after upsell
The ‘method’ is not new or secret, and it doesn’t work like they said
You do not make any money (in fact you end up losing money)
The support is non-existent
You have to jump through hoops to get a refund
That about sums it up most of the time.

It’s not a nice feeling. The whole process leaves you frustrated and lost. I mean, just when you thought you’d found “the one” you’re right back where you started. Except worse. Because now you’ve lost more money on yet another scam. It’s no wonder most people fail online! This is the sad reality for the brave folks who dare to journey into the online world. And it’s a reality that really frustrates me.

Believe me, I’ve wasted so much time and money on ‘shiny objects’ it’s not funny. Embarrassingly, I’m the guy who once fell for this stuff (a LOT)! Yes, I’ve been scammed before.
After awhile, I started to wonder if maybe I was just stupid or if everything online was just a scam. I figured it had to be one or the other. Because NOTHING I tried worked.
I thought maybe I should just give up before I got myself deeper into debt from buying program after program. So the “quit while you’re ahead” mentality started creeping in on me. And of course my friends and family thought I was crazy for even trying to begin with. Some of my friends even laughed at me just for trying in the first place. Which didn’t help with my self confidence at the time.
So it was difficult to continue hoping, trying, and failing. Over and over again. That’s pretty much ALL I had to show for my efforts at that point- failure. And all I wanted to do was make a few extra bucks! I thought to myself… is it really THAT hard to make money online? It sure did feel that way at the time. You start to lose confidence in yourself and then you really are lost.
But eventually I realized it wasn’t my fault. I know that now. Just like it’s probably NOT your fault if you’ve been failing up until now either. The truth is – you’ve been learning from the WRONG people (AKA internet gurus). The ONLY thing these guys care about is selling you more stuff.

So how can you succeed when the people supposedly “helping you” only care about making more and more money off of you!? You can’t. It is literally impossible. There business is to keep you searching for more. It’s not that it’s hard to make money online, but if you keep listening to fake online gurus it’s virtually impossible to succeed. And, after YEARS of struggling, I was forced to finally come to terms with this simple truth.
So, Keep Reading
Because what I’m about to share with you over the next two minutes could (literally) save you years of struggling and wasting money on bunk programs. Which is precisely why no internet guru wants you to read this. They know that once you discover what I’m about to share with you, you’ll literally NEVER have to buy another product from them again. Period.
Now I know what you might be thinking at this point… “I guess this is the part where you tell me what a great guy you are, and pitch YOUR amazing program, right?”

Yes. I am a nice guy. Well, at least people that know me think so! And it’s true, I did create this page to make money. So eventually my “clever scam” will be exposed (lol). The one where I recommend something I know you’ll love. And earn money in the process. You got me there!
It’s the old “give people real value upfront before asking for money” trick. Crazy concept, right? It works. But what I’m sharing with you today is free. So put your credit card away. You won’t be needing that. I am going to be sharing my exact 4-step formula with you, without asking for a dime. You get to test drive it first to see if it’s really for you or not.
And this is the exact formula I use to generate over $10K per month in passive online income, so I know it works and I know you’re going to be blown away by how effective (yet surprisingly simple) it is. As of writing this, I’m earning over $10K per month in passive online income with the same 4-step formula I’m about to reveal.
Now I know the thought of making $10K per month isn’t as sexy or exciting as making millions of dollars on auto-pilot, while you sit on a beach somewhere sipping on your favorite cocktail. But this is actually real, that other is pure fantasy and marketing BS.
The money I make each month provides for me and my family. And, now that I have the system in place, I spend very little time “working” for this money. That’s the beauty of passive online income, you’re not trading your time for dollars.

And there’s nothing like having the freedom and flexibility to enjoy the money you make. I was in the restaurant business before this. Long hours, complaining customers, unreliable employees, soul sucking work, no time for anything and I barely made ends meet. And after discovering this system, my life has completely changed for the better. I work when I want, where I want, and how I want.
And I have every confidence that you can do the same (or better) yourself, just by following the exact 4-step process I’m using right now. It’s helped literally thousands of people get started online and build successful businesses. So I KNOW that as long as you follow the training and take action, you absolutely can do this! In fact, the Only way you can fail is if you quit.
Here’s just a few of the success stories to show you what is possible:

Brok joined the $10k per month club and Leo is up to $35K so far! Good news is, they both will be glad to help you succeed as well.
Little Mama has built a full time business online and she loves to help others learn how they can do it too. Sporky’s Website Sold For $28,000 cash in 13 months!

Eddy has made it over the $1 million mark in total earnings and John below made over $3700 in a single day. You can too! I’ll show you how.

I’ll also show you how to connect with me personally, on the next page, so I can answer your questions and get you started with the training, as quickly as possible. You will get personal help from me, how cool is that? 😉 And yes, you can be successful at this, even if you’re a total newbie with zero experience!
Bold claim, I know. But it’s the truth, you CAN be successful at this! Even if you’re a total newbie who’s never made a dime online. That’s what makes this so exciting. Now I know you’re ready to find out what my 4-step system is all about and how it works, and I am going to walk you through this in just a few minutes.
But, before I do, I just wanted to be clear on what this is not:
This is NOT a get rich quick system
This is NOT about gambling in the stock market
This is NOT about selling your own products
This is NOT an MLM “business opportunity”
This is NOT a job where you get paid by the hour
What I’m sharing with you is NONE of these things. What I am offering to show you is a real legitimate business, and it will take some effort on your part. So if any of the above describe what you are looking for, please do us both a favor and leave this page now. No hard feelings and I wish you all the success in the world.
Seriously. I don’t mean to be rude or insulting… But my time is valuable, and so is yours! So let’s not waste each others time, OK?
Now if you’re still reading this, I’m going to assume that you ARE serious and that you DO want to learn a legitimate, proven process for building a real, long-term, profitable business online.
So let’s get this party started! On the next page, I’m going to reveal the surprisingly simple 4-step formula I use to make $10K per month in passive online income. This is simple, it’s proven to work and yes, you can do this!
All you need to do is follow the exact steps I reveal to you on the next page. It’s at this point that you must make a decision.
You can either continue down the path of least resistance, the path you have already been traveling, listening to the wrong people, or you can choose the road less traveled. You can choose to break the scam cycle and start making real money online.

And if you’ve read this far, I know this is what you want.
So if you want something different to happen, if you want to change the direction of your life, you’re going to have to do something different. It’s time to chart a new path, and pursue your new outcome. Click the button below to get started No credit card required, and I’ll see you on the next page:
P.S: If you skipped to this part like I normally do 😉 … click the button above and I’ll see you on the next page, where I’m going to reveal the surprisingly simple 4-step formula I use to make over $10K per month in passive online income. No gimmicks, no hype. Just a full breakdown of exactly how this works, as well as access to everything you need to get started – including tools, training and coaching.