You’re an Artist, a good artist, maybe even a great artist. But like anything else, you need to get noticed. You need people to see your work, preferably people who might be interested in buying your work.
You could try to place your work in an Art Gallery or have it on display in a local business, but what it you could get your art in front of thousands of potential buyers from the comfort of your own home?

Sound interesting? Now, let me be upfront, I’m not an artist. I can’t even draw a good stick figure, but I do know something about business and about online business in particular. I am going to show you how you can start your very own online art business and make a full time income doing what you love and what you are good at. You’ll get the very best training, tools and support from a worldwide community of online entrepreneurs. Some of which are already selling art online, and they would be glad to help you build a profitable art business for yourself.
If you have internet access and a computer or smartphone, you can have your own Online Art Business up and running in just a few minutes from now. I am about to introduce you to the best and most complete Online Business Platform in the world, bar none! Wealthy Affiliate! Cool thing is, You can start with Wealthy Affiliate Today, FOR FREE!
Now that I have Your Attention. Want to Know More?
So, are you ready to learn how to make a full time income doing what you love? Then let’s get this party started. First of all, a bit of a Disclaimer, let me get one thing straight with you. This is about building a real, profitable and long term business. This is NOT get-rich-quick, Easy Money, Overnight success, or any of those other SCAMS out there. This will take WORK, training, support, patience and applying what you learn.
Yes, anyone can do this. It’s a simple process really. I an talking about taking your passion, your interests, your love of art and making a full time income doing what you love! Now that we’ve got that out of the way, we can get down to business. If you are willing to learn, and put in the work to apply what you will learn here, you can absolutely make a massive amount of money. Below is just one example of what you can do.

Start your own Art website: Empty Easel Art Blog
I’ve been in business for my self since 1997, both online and offline, I know what it takes to be successful in business. I can help you become successful too. It’s understandable if you’re skeptical. There are so many SCAMS and worthless products out there. All promising success and riches almost overnight. I can sympathize, I have a stack of them in the corner of my office.
Yes, I’ve been scammed before. I call it my pile of wasted money and broken promises. That’s why I wanted to get the “it takes work” out of the way up front. This is not get-rich-quick, like all those SCAMS out there, but a real business, one that can make you a full time income for many years to come.
How to Make Money Online as an Artist

Literary everything is bought and sold on the internet these days, Including Art. There are over 2 billion searches on the internet every day. Imagine getting your artwork in front of just some of those people.
There are art buisniesses that do, there are online Art Galleries, Art Galleries that sell on their websites as well as in their physical gallery.
You could try to get your artwork listed on one of these, but then you have to rely on them to promote your work and if they do sell it, they take a commission off the top. There is a better way!
If you love Art, you probably watch a few Art shows on TV, and maybe a few YouTube videos. Maybe you even belong to some Art Related Facebook groups.
Do you follow your favorite art shows and Artists on Facebook, twitter and Instagram? Millions of people do, and because of that, advertisers pay to be featured there.
Did you know, that the people that own those social media accounts websites and YouTube channels are making money from them? Well they are. Those products you see them using and mentioning are paying for that exposure.
Advertisers pay to be on their Chanel and to have their products featured in those social media posts and on websites. And, Guess what, YOU CAN DO IT TOO! I am about to show you how.

What I am going to show you is how to build your own Art business online where you can promote your work and keep all the proceeds. No need to share with some gallery, you can start your own online Art Gallery. Also, you could list other artists work on your site and then you can make a commission on their work as well. Help your fellow artists and collegues, you know their struggles getting noticed as well as your own.
You can also promote other art related products and services and earn commissions from them in your online business as well. All from the comfort of your own home, or anywhere you want. Below is just another example of what you can build as an artist online. You will learn how, and so much more, at Wealthy Affiliate.

Other possibilities include, print on demand where your art is printed by a third party printer who handles printing, shipping and inventory. Printing your art on t shirts, cups, cards, invitations, hats and more. Start your own Art blog and review art and industry news and trends. Start your own Art Gallery and sell your artwork as well as others artwork. Create and sell art lessons, start a YouTube channel and create art video lessons. So many possibilities.
If you will take advantage of what I have to offer today, you can learn to do all of this and more. You can build an online business around your passion for art and make money doing what you love. The Wealthy Affiliate has all the training, tools and the support of over 2 million members worldwide to help you succeed. And, best of all, they will let you try it for free first. That’s how confident they are that they have the best online business training platform in the industry. You can build your own blog site like the example below.
Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate
- Product: Wealthy Affiliate
- Website:
- Price: $0 – Free Starter Membership
- Owners: Kyle and Carson
- Overall Ranking: 97 out of 100

It Only Takes 30 Seconds
I have been in business a long time. Since joining Wealthy Affiliate, I now work from home and earn money by helping people just like yourself and pursing what interests me, not some boss. You can do the same. You can build an online work at home business around Art, and your passion for Art, and make a full time income doing what you love.
I want to help your get started and up and running. It takes only 30 seconds and you will be set up with the best training and support in the online business industry.
Just follow these 3 simple steps:
Step 1.) Click Here To Go To:
Step 2.) Fill out your details to Create a Free Starter Account (no Credit Card Needed)
Step 3.) You ARE IN!
When you join the Wealthy Affiliate as a Starter member, You will have full access to the “getting started” training, two websites, support, tools, free web hosting and the opportunity to interact with successful internet entrepreneurs from all over the world. Wealthy Affiliate members are all happy and willing to help you succeed. It’s the most social and helpful “online success” community in the world. You will quickly experience this once you join. ( I will be there to personally help you as well).
All this is absolutely FREE……No BS…..What are you waiting for? You have nothing to lose. Join Wealthy Affiliate NOW! Want to know more? Still not sure? You can read my full review of the Wealthy Affiliate Platform Here, and you can check out my video below for some behind the scenes at Wealthy Affiliate.
You don’t have to take my word for it, here is what some other Wealthy Affiliate members have to say:

Here is what you can expect to accomplish within the first 10 lessons of Your Training:
- You will have your very own “Art” business
- You will have built your own “Art” website (no technical experience required)
- You will network with some of the top internet marketers in the world.
- You will be getting your website indexed in Google.
- You will have the foundations of a successful online Artist business set-up
- You will get to work directly and personally with me (how cool is that)
You get all this absolutely FREE…..Grab your Starter Membership Here Now!
Turn Your Passion for Art into Profits

Take advantage of their FREE TRIAL offer and try it out for 7 days. If you decide it’s not for you, you’ve lost nothing except a little time. And you will have gained some very valuble online business knowledge for Free! Don’t put it off any longer. Join Wealthy Affiliate Today and begin your online business journey as an artist. Live the lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of and build an online art business for you, instead of some boss. Wealthy Affiliate is the RIGHT PLACE, and this is the RIGHT TIME! I know YOU CAN DO THIS!
I’m Looking forward to working with you,

- Facebook: Online Benjamins
- Twitter: @onlinebenjamin1
- Instagram: dotcomdinero
P.S. Again, Wealthy Affiliate is COMPLETELY FREE to get started. No catch, no obligation, no bait and switch. I will personally be in touch with you upon joining to offer my support and guidance to help you get up and running online.
P.P.S. If you have any questions or are unsure of anything, I am here and I promise I will get back to you on all of your questions and comments. Just leave them below in the comment section.
Thanks for stopping by and congratulations for taking the first steps to building your own online business. I’ve been in business both offline and online since 1997. I would consider it an honor to help you build your business. Father of 3, life long outdoorsman with an education in Genetics and Economics. This site is about cutting through the BS and finding the real opportunities in the online world. I look forward to working with you.