Are you nearing retirement, or just planning ahead? Sooner or later it catches up on us. Sometimes voluntarily, other times due to downsizing etc, involuntarily. It’s never too early to start planning for retirement and the prospects of living on a fixed income.
The question becomes, how much money will you need to live on once you retire, and still have enough to enjoy your retirement years. We are living longer and prices keep going up, so it’s not a simple calculation. The good new is, there is a way to generate money for, and even after retirement, doing what you love to do anyway.

Do you want to Golf when you retire? I can show you how you can do that, and make money doing it. Love fishing? Same thing. Crafts, cooking, travel, literally anything. You are going to be doing it anyway, why not make money from it as well. Stick with me and I’ll show you how!
How Much Will You Need For a Comfortable Retirement?
The amount of money you will need during retirement will depend on several factors. How long you are going to live after retirement. The amount of money you will need for your everyday living expenses. How much money you want to have for travel, hobbies, etc. The total amount of your current savings, and how many years before you plan on retiring.
The Chart below can give you some idea as to how much it will take. If you are like me, you are going to need to start generating more savings to be able to retire comfortably. We will look at just how we can do that, and still enjoy our retirement years.

How to Generate Enough Money For Retirement
It may surprise you to know, that less than 20% of the population has saved enough for retirement. Many end up dependent on Social Security or other government programs for their retirement existence. Some end up working part-time jobs in their retirement years just to make ends meet. Or worse, selling their home and other assets to pay bills and living expenses.

Doesn’t sound like a very pleasant retirement does it? These are supposed to be your golden years. Your reward for a lifetime of work and paying your dues.
You have hobbies and interests that you were looking forward to enjoying once you retired. Unfortunately, many of us get caught up in our daily lives and put off retirement planning.
If you are like most people, you probably have a few hobbies and interests. You watch TV shows that feature your hobbies and interests, and maybe you have even watched a few YouTube videos that are about your hobbies. You may even belong to some Facebook groups about your hobbies. Do you follow your favorite hobbies and interests on Facebook, twitter and Instagram? Millions of people do, and because of that, advertisers pay to be featured there.
Did you know, that the people that own those social media accounts, websites and YouTube channels are making money from them? Well they are. Those products you see them using and mentioning are paying for that exposure.

Advertisers pay to be on their Channel and to have their products featured in those social media posts and on websites. And, Guess what, YOU CAN DO IT TOO! I am about to show you how.
What if you could take those hobbies and interests and not only enjoy them, but turn them into supplemental retirement income. What better way than to make money doing what you love. What is normally a cost for you can now be a source of income.

You can take literally any interest or hobby and turn it into a highly profitable online business. My friend Kathy makes a great income from her “cat” website you see above. Promoting the products and services that you enjoy and use in your hobbies and interests through a process known, as affiliate marketing. And, With the help of the Wealthy Affiliate Platform, you can get the tools, training and support you need to build a successful online affiliate marketing business.

How to Supplement Your Retirement Income

There are over 2 billion people searching the internet everyday. Looking for information and buying things online. You have probably done some of that yourself. My friend Julius makes a full time income from his “basketball shoe” website below. You can start your own in as little as 30 seconds from now……….FOR FREE!
The Wealthy Affiliate is a training platform with a Community of over 2 million member entrepreneurs all happy and willing to help you succeed. You will have access to six and seven figure onlne earners. Any of which you can ask questions and get help and guidance. Best of all, it’s FREE TO TRY!
The Community of members at Wealthy Affiliate is the Most Helpful Community in the World. Period. The most difficult aspect of building a business online is getting help when you need it. Getting help, 24/7, through access to a myriad of people with all kinds of expertise is exactly what you can expect. We are a community that truly cares and will be there for you all day, every day.
There is no other community in the world that you can walk into as a complete stranger and create unbelievably powerful business relationships.
Every single day there are 10,000’s of people networking within Wealthy Affiliate, creating businesses together, offering each other insights, and building their network.

Brok and Leo are just a couple of examples, of the thousands of members who built successful online businesses at Wealthy Affiliate and they are happy and willing to help you succeed too.

If You Join Wealthy Affiliate You Get:
- (1) 10 lesson get started online training course (full video and text lessons)
- (2) Two free wordpress websites
- (3) Access to Million Dollar Internet Entrepreneurs
- (4) Live 24/7 Support
- (5) State-of-the-art website builder and hosting service
- (6) The ability to ask questions of the worldwide Wealthy Affiliate Member Community

Did I mention, that you get all of this completely free with your starter membership? No Credit Card Required. You say ” your not a techie”, don’t worry, you don’t need to be. Within the first four lessons of the training, you will be well on your way to creating a business that can not only help you have enough money to retire, but provide supplemental retirement income as well.
I’m Looking forward to working with you,

- Facebook: Online Benjamins
- Twitter: @onlinebenjamin1
- Instagram: dotcomdinero
P.S. Again, Wealthy Affiliate is COMPLETELY FREE to get started. No catch, no obligation, no bait and switch. I will personally be in touch with you upon joining to offer my support and guidance to help you get up and running online.
P.P.S. If you have any questions or are unsure of anything, I am here and I promise I will get back to you on all of your questions and comments. Just leave them below in the comment section.