Congratulations! You’re a College Student. That means you’ve put in the time and hard work to get accepted to study at the college level. You probably have dreams of graduating and landing a good job and building a career. I remember my college days well, good friends and good times, and yes, lots of studying and hard work too. Oh, and my fair share of partying.

By now, you have probably noticed a couple of things about college and money.
1.) College takes money….and lots of it, (and so does partying at college) 😉
2.) It’s hard to Make Money at College and keep up with your course work.
You may even be racking up quite a sizable debt with student loans. Those debts can make your finances more difficult when you start your career and want to purchase things like a house or new car. And those Student loans don’t go away, not even in bankruptcy.
OK, so enough of the harsh reality, there is a solution. One that can help with both college expenses and making money while in college. Don’t worry, You can do this. I know, I’ve been exactly where you are now.
How to Make Money at College
There are any number of ways to make money at college. I paid for part of my college expenses by working for a professor in my department as a research assistant. It didn’t pay much, but it helped. Of course there are the standard bartender and fast food worker jobs that many college students take for some extra money. But, how to make money while in college and balance your time with work, the course work….and the extra curricular activities is the real question.

In this day and age with the availability of the internet and smart phones, the online opportunities are nearly endless for anyone, including college students, to earn real money online. There are online jobs for college students where you may even be able to use some of your education to make side money.
Online work for college students can be anything from taking surveys, tutoring other students, writing articles, doing research, to watching and reviewing videos etc. The internet provides numerous easy ways to make money for college students. But many of these are JOBS. What about starting a Business as a college Student?
Some of you are thinking, I can’t do that. It’s too expensive, It takes money and I’m a broke college student. Or, “I don’t know anything about starting a business”. Guess what, we are about to put all those objections to rest. I’m going to show you how you can start your very own online business, get it started for free, and how you can make some real money as a College Student.
Business Ideas for College Students
Online business opportunities for college students are everywhere and can be almost anything you can imagine. ESPN was started by a couple of college students who just wanted to keep up with their college sports teams. Anything you have an interest in or are passionate about can be turned into a money making online business.
Even a hobby can be turned into a money generating business. My first online business was my fishing blog: I still make money with it by just sharing stories of my fishing trips and the tackle and techniques I use. It really is that simple. Now…..a disclaimer, it is not get-rich-quick, or overnight success, or easy money. It will take work, patience and determination, but you’ve already demonstrated those traits by getting to college. Don’t worry, you can do this.

You can start a small online business to drop ship products on Amazon or WalMart. You can start a shopify ecommerce store from your dorm room or anywhere you have internet access. Start a blog website about your interests, passions or hobbies and monetize it through Affiliate Marketing (you promote a product on your site and if your reader clicks the link and purchases the product you get paid a commission).
With Affiliate Marketing, there is no inventory, no shipping, no customer support just promote and when they buy through your site, you collect commissions. So, it’s a very easy and low cost way to get into the online business world. Ok, so, How to start a business as a college student?
How to Start a Business with no Money

I know, you don’t have any money, so how are you going to start a business without money? I am going to show you how to get started RIGHT NOW, FOR FREE! The Platform is called Wealthy Affiliate, and it covers literally everything in the online business world. I have a full review of the Wealthy Affiliate System HERE:
You will be able to start your own online business for free. You will learn how to start a website, how to do proper keyword research and structure web content that will attract people to your site. You will learn affiliate marketing and how to monetize your new website and begin to earn money online.

You will have a 7-day free trial period with access to the first 10 lessons in building an online business. You will get access to a community of over 1.2 Million online entrepreneurs who are happy and willing to help you succeed. Then you can decide if an online business is for you.
Now, straight up, it’s not free forever, after the free trial period, it costs money to stay a member. But the monthly cost is less than you would probably spend just in gas money going to your fast food job. More importantly, if you follow the training step by step and apply what you learn, you can be making more than enough money to cover your minor online business expenses, with plenty left over for more important things like tuition……and beer.
Also, I am a Wealthy Affiliate Member, so you will also get access to me to help you with any questions and with building your business. How Cool Is That 😉
Best Online Business Opportunity for College Students
Wealthy Affiliate really is the best online business platform and opportunity for College Students. What is Wealthy Affiliate about? It is primarily an online business training platform, but it is so much more. It combines industry leading training and tools with the support of a worldwide community of successful online mentors willing to answer your questions and help you succeed in your online business ventures.
As a Wealthy Affiliate member you get world-class web hosting with siterubix, a premier keyword and website analysis too in Jaaxy as well as website domain purchasing, website security and backup, simply everything needed to run your online business in one easy to use platform.
There are many programs out there I know, and it’s hard to tell which are legit and which are SCAMS. So many crooks out there promising easy money and get-rich-quick. The only ones that get-rich-quick are the crooks selling the program. But you won’t find them, like Wealthy Affiliate, offering a Free Trial with no credit card required.
You don’t have to take my word for it, here is what some other members have to say:

Wealthy Affiliate really is the best value in online business training and development. No one else even comes close. Whether its affiliate marketing, social media marketing, drop shipping, ecommerce, or anything else you can think of in the online business world, Wealthy Affiliate can train you and set you up for success.

Wealthy Affiliate
Product: Wealthy Affiliate
Price: $0 – Free Starter Membership
Owners: Kyle and Carson
Overall Ranking: 97 out of 100

Here is what you can expect to accomplish within the first 10 lessons of Your Training:
- You will have your very own “niche” business
- You will have built your own “niche” website (no technical experience required)
- You will network with some of the top internet marketers in the world.
- You will be getting your website indexed in Google.
- You will have the foundations of a successful online business set-up
- You will get to work directly and personally with me (how cool is that)

You get all this absolutely FREE…..Grab your Starter Membership Here Now!
Build a Business not a Job
WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? You really have nothing to lose. Grab the 7-day FREE TRIAL NOW! Find out just how easy it is to build a real money making business online right from your dorm room. You have your whole life ahead of you. Build a business for yourself instead of for some boss. Because, in reality, you are either building your business, or you’re building your bosses business.
You never know, you may build an online business and not ever need to find a job. Learn how to make money doing what you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life. (A quote I read somewhere)
Head over to Wealthy Affiliate it only takes about 30 seconds to sign up for the free trial membership and look me up on the platform. I am here to help you succeed and make money.
I hope this helps you as you look for ways to make some extra money during your college career. Enjoy life and the journey, and never let anyone tell you you can’t do it! Wealthy Affiliate is the RIGHT PLACE, and this is the RIGHT TIME! I know YOU CAN DO THIS!
I’m Looking forward to working with you,

- my.wealthy
- Facebook: Online Benjamins
- Twitter: @onlinebenjamin1
- Instagram: dotcomdinero
P.S. Again, Wealthy Affiliate is COMPLETELY FREE to get started. No catch, no obligation, no bait and switch. I will personally be in touch with you upon joining to offer my support and guidance to help you get up and running online.
P.P.S. If you have any questions or are unsure of anything, I am here and I promise I will get back to you on all of your questions and comments. Just leave them below in the comment section.
Thanks for stopping by and congratulations for taking the first steps to building your own online business. I’ve been in business both offline and online since 1997. I would consider it an honor to help you build your business. Father of 3, life long outdoorsman with an education in Genetics and Economics. This site is about cutting through the BS and finding the real opportunities in the online world. I look forward to working with you.