The Prosperity Formula Review

What you need to know before going into any online business is that it will take work, just like any other business. In addition to work, you will need to acquire the knowledge to start, and build a profitable long term business online. There are several good training platforms out there for building an online business. We will take a look at one today called “The Prosperity Formula”.

Let’s take a look under the hood and see what they have to offer, and as a bonus, we will compare it to my number #1 recommended online business training platform, the “Wealthy Affiliate”. Then you can decide for yourself what would be best for you and your situation and goals. So, the first question is………

What is The Prosperity Formula?

The Prosperity Formula

  • Webiste:
  • Price: $27 front end, 4 upsells to $497
  • Owner: James Francis
  • Overall Rank: 78 out of 100
prosperity formula review - product packaging and screen shot example

The step-by-step program teaches the system that has been used to make over 8 figures in revenue for the developers and some of their clients over the last 12+ years, through selling other people’s and their own digital products and services. Students get to choose whether they want to sell other people’s products as an affiliate (low effort, medium profit), or create and sell their own products (high effort, high profit) – then the program guides them from there.

They’ve structured this program to be a step-by-step “home study course”. The in-person videos are recorded professionally in HD, and the students get action steps they check off at the end of each module, along with a quiz to test what they’ve learned. This way, they are encouraged to take action and therefore gain value from the program – which always a higher student success rate.

The Prosperity Formula is a digital online video course on how to start and grow a profitable online business. It is an entry-level video course, which reveals how anybody can create a profitable online business selling digital products and services, aka affiliate marketing. Additional resources are included that can speed up student’s results and avoid “information overload”. The videos are streamed online in a secure online members’ area, and it works with any operating system or device that can access the Internet with a stable internet connection.

Here’s what you need to know about The Prosperity Formula.

The Prosperity Formula is a proven blueprint for creating a side hustle online, where you could earn up to $500 – $2,000+ per month. In reality, it’s an 18-module video course with step-by-step instructions for building your own online business. The course teaches students how to build mini niche websites (2-3 pages) to sell digital products and services.

Either their own, or someone else’s (affiliate marketing). Once students understand how to sell something to a stranger over the web… … they’ll have one of the most powerful skills on the planet for increasing their income. Simply Create More Mini Niche Sites To Drive Profits As High As they Want!

Fact #1 – This works in ANY niche imaginable. When James was first getting started, he used The Prosperity Formula to earn over $1,000 selling products about how to build chicken coops… … even though, before starting, he didn’t even know what a chicken coop was! As you may have heard: “The riches are in the niches.” And with The Prosperity Formula, you can generate income in almost any niche where people are spending money.

Fact #2 – Since the Prosperity Formula uses templated mini-sites to drive sales, there’s no tech or coding to get bogged down with. Instead, you launch your mini-site and start sending visitors to it the same day. Because of this, it’s common to start seeing sales within 1-3 days of launching.

Fact #3 – You Only Need A Few Hours Per Week. The Prosperity Formula is designed so you could get results in as little as 3-5 hours per week. Like any business, you have to put in some work for it to work for you.

How Does The Prosperity Formula Work?

The Prosperity Formula teaches a four-step formula for creating profitable mini-sites in a matter of hours. Some current students have made money in a variety of niches, including:Back Pain – Health & Fitness – Debt Relief – Resume Preparation – Keto – Survival – Internet Marketing – Weight Loss – Coaching & Consulting – Copywriting – Mindfulness – And More! Most important, you don’t need to be a computer wiz to use The Prosperity Formula.

The Prosperity Formula is designed for beginners. With The Prosperity Formula, you’ll start at the beginning and go through each phase step-by-step. Check out the video below for a look behind the scenes of The Prosperity Formula.

Most make money online trainings on the market assume you’ve already left your job and are building a full-time business. But, with The Prosperity Formula, you can start with just a couple hours per week. Then, once you start making money, you’ll have the FREEDOM to decide whether you should quit your job.

The Prosperity Formula Is Based On A Proven, Repeatable System. Doesn’t matter if you’re a man or woman, 20 or 60, tech wiz or computer dunce. Because they start at the beginning – and show you how to do everything step-by-step – anyone can make this work. In fact, they’ve had people from most every walk of life – from teachers to accountants – generate extra cash using The Prosperity Formula.

Features of The Prosperity Formula…

  • How to tap into a big money niche, even if you’re a total beginner
  • How to avoid wasting time on niches that will never make any money
  • The simple system for creating 3-page mini-sites that help you make multiple sales at the same time
  • Where to find niches where people will spend thousands of dollars on a solution (allowing you to earn hundreds of dollars for making just one sale)
  • Why you do NOT need to create your own products (and why it’s easier and faster to get paid for other people’s expertise)
  • plug-n-play email marketing templates for driving sales around the clock
  • The key to creating a base of loyal fans who know, like and trust you (and will buy most anything you recommend)
  • How to get tons of free blog traffic without having to spend all day writing
  • three strategies for driving free traffic to your mini-sites
  • How to tweak and test your mini-sites so you can maximize your daily earnings
  • How to create highly valuable content that results in total strangers pulling out their wallets

The training modules in the Prosperity Formula are as follows:

  • Over eight hours of video content spread over 18 modules
  • Quizzes at every step to ensure you understand what you’re learning
  • Homework tasks for each module to ensure you’re not just learning, but taking action and driving results
  • Free resources galore (from worksheets to templates to free website plugins)
  • Simple spreadsheets that allow you to track the only three numbers that matter
  • An “Over My Shoulder” walk through of everything you need to do to earn side-hustle income (from setting up mini-sites to driving visitors and collecting payments)

The $10k Per Month Affiliate System and FREE Training

A Proven Business Plan

Hi, I’m Rex McMahon, Affiliate Marketer and Entrepreneur.

Rex McMahon author

Join me and over 75,000 Others and Follow The Super-Simple Four Step System we Use To Sell Products Online Each and Every Day Like Clockwork! Best of all, It’s FREE and it Works!

retirement income

MODULE #1: Start here:

  • The introductory section shows why you should follow up on the program, proofs of earnings and proof of expertise, and instructions on the best way to learn the prosperity formula.

MODULE #2– Profit Validation:

Many people have the misconception that it is until they spam people’s inboxes on social media or through emails that you make a profit; this opinion is wrong. In this module, you will learn:

  • That you can only make money online by trading a problem with a solution, simplified as Problem ->Persuasion -> Solution (sale).
  • To specialize in a niche. A niche you already know about a niche you would like to learn. You will also get a questionnaire that can help you find a niche that you like.
  • Important tips on some niche and the best method to go about it.
The Prosperity Formula Niche examples

MODULE #3 – Creating Your Customer Profile:

  • In this module, you will be given a worksheet where questions such as who your audience is, what problems can be solved in your niche, what goals you have for your niche, and many more questions to help create a customer profile. You also get to know what your customers not what you think they want, a mistake made by most affiliate marketers.
  • You will also learn how to do a proper market survey to find out who your audience is and ways to get them to buy from you.

MODULE #4 – Laying the Foundations:

Every building requires a foundation, and building an online business is no exception. In this module, you will learn:

  • The six steps to building the right foundation for your online business.
  • The dos and don’ts of creating a website
  • How to set-up your account(s) for payment

MODULE #5 – The Prosperity Formula:

The Prosperity Formula process

You will learn

  • The best approach when it comes to selling products to people
  • How to make a simple idea more enticing and attractive.
  • The importance of making your solution different from others and why your solution standing out will increase your profit.

MODULE #6 – The Prosperity Formula II – Profit Process:

The Prosperity Formula profit process

The continuation of module 5 where you will learn

  • How to give value to prospective leads while promoting a product to them.
  • The effectiveness of a squeeze page and the importance of building an email list.

MODULE #7 – Audience Attraction:

You will learn

  • How to attract an audience to your online business without looking to promote sales, this way people want to work with you and not are forced to work with you
  • Importance of giving free content and how best to structure it.

MODULE #8 – The Solution Selling System:

You will get to know

  • The importance of earning your prospective buyers’ trust and confidence because of the value they got from your lead magnet and buy products you recommend.
  • How to make sales either by selling your product or as an affiliate.

MODULE #9 – Building a Loyal Fanbase:

You will learn

  • The importance of keeping your prospect for a long time; this way, you can multiply your profit up to 5 times more.
  • Importance of using a good email auto-responder and how best to about it.

MODULE #10 – Building a Loyal Fanbase II: Generating Leads:

A continuation of module 9, You will know

  • How best to build an email list without committing a crime.
  • How to create a squeeze page
  • Different types of squeeze pages.
  • How to content delivery page.

MODULE #11 – Your Profit Multipliers:

You will learn that for you to run an online business, one sale is not a sale.

  • How to analyze your prospects behavioral pattern to maximize profit (a win-win scenario)
  • How to create and make up sells.
  • What is a tripwire, and why you shouldn’t use it?
college student business

MODULE #12 – Your Automated Follow-Up Machine:

  • The importance of following up with your prospects and how to go about it.
  • The time frame between each email and
  • The top follow-up mistakes you should avoid
  • The sequence of your sales offer and follow up should follow

MODULE #13 – Communicating and Building Trust with Your Audience:

The bigger and more responsive your audience are, the more money you’ll make from your promotions. In this module, you will be taught:

  • How to send broadcast emails.
  • Importance of sticking to your schedule.
  • The best template to follow to get the best result

MODULE #14 – Building Bridges:

You will be taught

  • How to build your authority in a niche?
  • The best ways to make use of an authority blog.
  • Best ways to set up your blog (selecting a theme, sidebar widgets, banners, etc.)

MODULE #15 – How to get an unlimited Stream of Buyer Traffic:

You will learn

  • The best ways to attract your ideal customers using Facebook ads.
  • How should you go about attracting new customers.
  • Types of ads and the best ads type to use

MODULE #16 –The top 3 alternative Free Traffic Strategies:

Apart from Facebook ads, there are other alternatives. You will see:

  • How to find popular high traffic blogs
  • How to maximize the power of guest blogging
  • Forums you can use to build traffic

MODULE #17 – Testing, Tweaking, and Perfecting Your Funnel:

You will learn tricks

  • To increase your conversion rate.
  • How to calculate your opt-in rate, EPC, and opening rate of your email broadcast and how to analyze it?
  • What is split testing and how to use it

MODULE #18 – Your Six-Figure Blueprint:

The final module of digital prosperity. After following all the modules, everything is set to start making a profit. You will learn

  • How to automate or outsource depending on where needs arise.
  • General tips such as consistency, the importance of networking, and grow our traffic, etc.
  • . You also get an opportunity to be among the six people who can further grow their online business through the 0 to 10k program.

After every module you get a quiz to ensure you understand what was taught.

4 steps to 10K per month online

Pricing for The Prosperity Formula is as follows:

  • Front-End Offer: The Prosperity Formula ($27) normally costs $97
  • Upsell #1: Instant Profit Funnels ($37)
  • Upsell #2: Copy & Paste Content ($97)
  • Upsell #3: Done For You Prosperity ($497 one-time or two payments of $248.50)

The Prosperity Formula 365 day Guarantee:

If after giving this a good old-fashioned “college try,” you’re not convinced The Prosperity Formula could help you make at least an extra $500 per month…They will refund your payment in full. They are going to give you a full 365 days to try this. Meaning, even if you join and wait until day 364, then decide it’s not for you, they will still send you a full refund, no questions asked. That’s almost unheard-of.

Who is The Prosperity Formula for?

Many of the products you see for making money online are designed for people who have already quit their jobs. Meaning, they’re designed for people who can dedicate 40-50 hours per week to building their business. The Prosperity Formula, however, was designed for people who may be still working a full time job and can only dedicate a handful of hours per week. The training is designed for those who are brand new to the world of online business and marketing and walks students through step by step to build mini websites for online marketing of digital products and services.

The Prosperity Formula - can you make money?

For someone who is on a tight budget, the low front end price makes The Prosperity Formula an attractive choice for online business training. It offers a very thorough over the shoulder training for the one time fee of $27. It is not a get-rich-quick product. If you are looking for something like that you will be disappointed. You will need to be able to follow the simple instructions and put in at least 3-5 hours per week to learn and apply what you’ve learned, if you want to be successful with this program.

The Prosperity Formula, Can You Make Money?

It’s the question we all have about every one of these types of products we see advertised. Can you really make money with it, or will it be just another shiny object with big promises and small results? The Prosperity Formula is an online training program. It is very thorough step by step training. It will give you a good introductory training in online business and marketing. Can you make money? Sure, if you put in the time and work.

sales funnels - cash

You will need to put in the time to go through each module and follow it step by step. Then you will need to apply what you’ve learned. In short, you must take action, it won’t do it for you. But, if you do take action, yes you can build an online business and make money. Again, it is not get-rich-quick, but it will give you a good solid foundation to build a real online business.

The Prosperity Formula Pros and Cons

In the table below I have listed some Pros and Cons of The Prosperity Formula, as I see them. As always I recommend that if you think you might be interested in the program, that you click the button below and check it out for yourself. Let me know what you think.

The Prosperity Formula ProsThe Prosperity Formula Cons
Low up front cost of $27 is very affordableNeed additional funds for web hosting
Step-by-Step video trainingNeed additional Funds for paid ads
Works in any niche or marketIt will take work and time for success
Full 365 day money back guarantee

You need to Be Aware Of:

The Prosperity Formula is a training course in online marketing. In some training you will be taught how to run paid ads. This will cost additional money and can get quite expensive while you are learning how to write profitable ads. Also, you will need hosting for your mini websites, that will also require additional funds. So, yes it’s only $27 for the course, but to make money you will need to invest additional money into web hosting and advertising.

The Prosperity Formula vs Wealthy Affiliate

Similar to The Prosperity Formula, The Wealthy Affiliate is a training platform. The similarities end there however. With the Properity Formula, you will need to pay for web hosting for your mini sites and all of your training is limited to the 18 modules in the course.

At Wealthy Affiliate, you will have access to thousands of hours of training in all aspects of online business. From ecommerce, affiliate marketing, social media marketing, email marketing and so much more. In addition, as a premium member of Wealthy Affiliate you will have web hosting for up to 10 websites included. The Prosperity formula is a one time fee of $27 or more if you buy an upsell, where Wealty Affiliate is a monthly fee.

The difference is you have hosting included, thousands of hours of training in all areas of online business and new trainings added every week if not every day, so you stay up to date with the latest trends and techniques in the online marketing world. The table below compares the Prosperity Formula and the Wealthy Affiliate side by side for your information.

The Prosperity Formula: Final Verdict

The Prosperity Formula is a good solid training course in online marketing. For only $27 one time fee, it is a good place to start for someone who has very limited funds. It will take more funding to generate any significant sales however so just beware of that. In my opinion, I would recommend The Prosperity Formula and give it an overall rating of 78 out of 100.

If you think you would like to learn more about The Prosperity Formula, or the Wealthy Affiliate, just click on the buttons below. You can try the Wealty Affiliate FREE for 7 days no credit card needed, which includes 10 training modules and two free websites. Then if you like what you see, you can become a premium member and host up to 10 websites. Take a peek inside for yourself, then I hope to see you on the inside.

Prosperity formula review - overall rating chart 78 out of 100 - recommended

I’m Looking forward to working with you,

about the author - Rex McMahon


P.S. Again, Wealthy Affiliate is COMPLETELY FREE to get started. No catch, no obligation, no bait and switch. I will personally be in touch with you upon joining to offer my support and guidance to help you get up and running online.

P.P.S. If you have any questions or are unsure of anything, I am here and I promise I will get back to you on all of your questions and comments. Just leave them below in the comment section. Follow me on Twitter: @onlinebenjamin1, Instagram: dotcomdinero, and Facebook: Online Benjamins

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