So, you’ve heard about Affiliate Marketing and making money online? You’ve probably seen all kinds of ads for different “affiliate marketing” or make money online programs. They all sound so enticing. Work from home! Quit your job.
Be your own boss. Make $10,000 per month. And on and on. Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but most of that is about 95% BS ( Bull Sh*t).
And, coincidentally, that is about the failure rate for people who purchase those programs or courses. Only about 5% make any real money the rest either make no money, or worse lose money.

Yes, you can make money online, and affiliate marketing is one of the best ways of doing just that. But, so much of what is being pushed and sold as affiliate marketing programs, training and systems is just BS. It’s overly hyped, over simplified and under delivered. With all that being said, there are some legitimate and very good make money online and affiliate marketing programs out there. The question becomes, “How do you determine the legit opportunities from the BS and SCAMS?”
Learn the tell-tale signs that indicate a probable BS program. Then follow along with a completely free 10-day beginners guide to affiliate marketing. The guide covers step-by-step how to select a profitable niche, find affiliate programs and offers in that niche, purchasing a web domain, finding and choosing website hosting, Setting up a word press website, selecting keywords and SEO strategies, Writing SEO ready website content, Monetizing your Website content and then sharing your content via social media and email to generate even more traffic and profits. In short, how to build a real, long-term and profitable online affiliate marketing business.
How to Identify, and Avoid, the BS
But, how do you identify which programs or opportunities are legit? How do you filter out the noise and the BS? You see them all over places like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Some 20 something dude with his Lamborghini, big house, surrounded by bikini clad fashion models, and telling you that you can have all that too, IF, you’ll just buy his course.
That is your first clue that most of that is probably not legit. But, here are some more signs to look for:

1.) Easy Money or Over-Night Success. This is a big red flag, because, It’s not easy and it won’t happen overnight. If they are making claims like this, run away as fast as you can. Affiliate marketing, or any legitimate business for that matter, takes time and work. You absolutely can make a lot of money with affiliate marketing, but you will have to put in the work and time and effort to make it successful.
2.) Plug and Play, or Done For You. Another gimmick tactic is to promote a system that you can just plug in and start making money or one that is done for you. If they are going to do it for you, why in the world would they need you? Most of these programs will leave you disappointed and discouraged.
3.) Limited Time Low Price Offer; This seems to be one of the favorite gimmicks being promoted now. A special one time low price, usually less than $20. Let’s be up front. NOBODY is going to give you the keys to the kingdom for 20 bucks. They will give you just enough information to peak your interest, but not enough to start a business, then hit you with what are called up sells. Soon your twenty bucks turns into $300, $500, a thousand or more. Starting a business, online or otherwise, takes money. It doesn’t have to take a lot, but it will take more than $20.
4.) If it Sounds too good to Be True: A very old saying, but it still applies. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t. There are honest and legitimate ways to make money with affiliate marketing, but they are not quick nor are they easy. They can be simple, but still you will have to invest the time, money and work to be successful. Most programs and courses won’t tell you this because, “they won’t sell near as much”.

5.) Fancy Cars and Big Houses: If they spend most of their time flaunting fancy cars, and houses and bling, most of that is most likely BS. Just more eye candy to get you hooked and get your money. Remember, number 4, if it sounds too good to be true. Most of what you see in the ads for these programs is rented. They don’t even own the stuff, just an illusion to sell you their course.
OK, so now we have identified what to look out for. And, this will apply to most any business opportunity you come across, online or offline. Affiliate marketing, MLM, Forex, Cryptocurrencies, you name it. But for this discussion, we’ll be looking at: what is affiliate marketing? How does it work? And, Can you really make a full time income with it?
What is Affiliate Marketing?
What is Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate Marketing is nothing new, it has been around as long as humans have been doing business with each other. In most of that is most simple form, a person or company has a product or service for sale. They offer to pay you a commission to recommend their offer to other people. If those people buy based on your recommendation, you earn a commission.

And, it can be done as simple as telling people about the offer (word of mouth), advertising in print, radio or TV. Placing signs or handing out cards and fliers. Whatever works to get people to purchase that offer. Now, with the internet, we have a much larger audience of potential buyers and, many more creative ways to promote offers. Many at a much more cost effective way.
For Questions on Affiliate Marketing? |
Read: 35 Affiliate Marketing Questions |
Everything from online advertising with Google, Bing, and Yahoo, to posting and placing ads on the various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. But, the core method to building a long term, profitable online business is creating content on a website and attracting visitors to the website where you can promote your affiliate offers. While this takes time and work, you will be building something of value that belongs to you and can make money for you for years to come. Then when you combine your website with social media and the other marketing methods, you truly can make a massive amount of money.
Affiliate Marketing using the process of building and maintaining a website, that reviews products and or services via writing articles, can build you a solid foundation and a real online business that can make you money for years to come. The content (articles or blog posts) on your website will have links to an online store (such as Amazon or Clickbank) where readers/visitors would then purchase the product and you earn revenue through commissions.
The more visitors you get to your website, the more income you potentially could earn. An effective way to drive (visitors) traffic to your website is through the search engines via SEO or search engine optimization. It is also the most cost effective and generates what is commonly called “Free Traffic” to your website and affiliate offers. The goal of SEO is to get your website ranked on the first page of Google for your targeted keywords (e.g. [product name] review). Then, when people search for the product online, they will see your article and likely read your review. This is how you can get large amounts of search engine traffic (visitors) to your website and thus earn more revenue

From there, you simply need to scale the process, rinse and repeat for more products with more articles (content). More Keywords, more articles, means more SEO = More Traffic = More Commissions = More Revenue
Who is Affiliate Marketing For?
The great thing about affiliate marketing online is that anyone can do it regardless of age, sex, background or experience. In essence anyone can earn revenue with affiliate marketing as long as the person is willing to learn and take action. Yes, you have to do the work (take action), and you need to have a good foundation on how affiliate marketing works and the proper SEO techniques used to attract an audience to your website.
My name is Rex McMahon, I am the founder of Online Benjamins. and have been running my own successful online affiliate marketing business for over 4 years. The niches that I am involved in range from Surf Fishing to Online Marketing and Real Estate Investing. All of which I have a personal interest in. I also help others build their own successful online affiliate marketing businesses, by following a proven, simple, step-by-step process for success.
James Francis founder of Digital Prosperity, and a very successful affiliate marketer in his own right, came up with a formula you can use to prosper in your online business, that has been proven over and over again for thousands of people just like yourself, to be a solid foundation for success.

The formula is K N IO T =P
- K stands for a skill set of knowledge. The knowledge you learn allows you to set and reach your goal adequately. The knowledge you need to succeed online is contained in this free 10 day online business course.
- N stands for need. As much as you have interests and niches you would like to promote; you need to attend to people’s NEEDS. You find out the products, information, and services that people will need. This way, you help them by offering choices that will satisfy their needs.
- IO stands for an Irresistible offer. After knowing what people need, you add value by providing them with helpful information; this builds up the trust relationship between you and potential leads.
- T stands for traffic. While making your offer, you make it in such an enticing manner to gain as much traffic as possible. If you apply this formula correctly, you have no other choice than to succeed in your online business.
- P Stands for Profit and Prosperity. After all, you can’t make money online or offline without profit. That is the ultimate goal of any business.
This formula is central to the Free 10 day beginners guide to affiliate marketing offered here. This guide will help you understand how it all works and get you started with building your first affiliate website. Regardless of your current skill level, I recommend you follow this guide from start to finish as it will help you even if you already have an affiliate website setup.
What’s Covered in This Beginners Guide
This free 10 day beginners guide to affiliate marketing in an In-Depth Tutorial on How to Earn Income online with Affiliate Marketing. It covers the fundamental strategies on how affiliate marketing works and will walk you through step-by-step on how to start a website that makes money through affiliate marketing. The methods outlined below will teach you how to build an online business for the long term.
The following topics will be covered within this guide:
- Find an Interest (Niche Ideas) that you can promote affiliate products or offers.
- Find an Affiliate Program – products, companies and offers that will pay you a commission to promote their products and services
- Find a Keyword – word or phrase associated with the products that people are searching for on the internet.
- Buy a Domain – How to purchase your own website domain.
- Set up Hosting – Where your domain and website will be stored for people to access it via the internet.
- Install WordPress – Website building software
- Set up Your Website – Choosing a theme and design for your website.
- Write Some Content – write your first blog posts or articles on your website.
- Monetize Your Content – Add affiliate links to your content so you can start earning commissions.
- Share Your Content – How to incorporate social media and email to increase exposure and visitors to your website content.
Each of these modules are in-depth and current with today’s technologies and are sent out to you personally via email with each email containing one lesson per day. If you follow the guide and complete all the tasks each day, by the end of the training, you will have your own website setup and live on the internet. You will have the knowledge you need then to continue on your online affiliate marketing journey and build a real, long term and profitable online business. In short, help you become one of the 5 percent that really makes money with affiliate marketing, not part of the 95% that ends up losing money.
Get Started with The Free Beginners Guide
The Beginners guide to affiliate marketing uses the Wealthy Affiliate Platform for website domains and web hosting services. It is the platform I use to host my websites and where I continue to learn and grow my affiliate marketing businesses. You can get a free trial membership of the Wealthy affiliate that you can use during the training, or you can use any other website platform you prefer. If you choose to use Wealthy Affiliate, you will also have access to other training contained inside the platform as well, and all free during the trial period.
By getting started with Wealthy Affiliate and the free beginners guide today, you get 2 websites that come with hosting at no cost to you and you will have access to me within the platform. You can contact me anytime and ask questions of me or anyone else in the community of over 2 million members worldwide. We will all be glad to help and show you exactly how to build your new affiliate marketing websites for success. To get started with the Beginners guide, simply click on the button below, then you will be asked for your best email address where each days’ lesson will be sent out to you personally. I look forward to seeing you on the inside and watching your success.
I’m Looking forward to working with you,

- Facebook: Online Benjamins
- Twitter: @onlinebenjamin1
- Instagram: dotcomdinero
P.S. Again, Wealthy Affiliate is COMPLETELY FREE to get started. No catch, no obligation, no bait and switch. I will personally be in touch with you upon joining to offer my support and guidance to help you get up and running online.
P.P.S. If you have any questions or are unsure of anything, I am here and I promise I will get back to you on all of your questions and comments. Just leave them below in the comment section. Follow me on Twitter: @onlinebenjamin1, Instagram: dotcomdinero, and Facebook: Online Benjamins
Thanks for stopping by and congratulations for taking the first steps to building your own online business. I’ve been in business both offline and online since 1997. I would consider it an honor to help you build your business. Father of 3, life long outdoorsman with an education in Genetics and Economics. This site is about cutting through the BS and finding the real opportunities in the online world. I look forward to working with you.